我有话要说: 你有做运动的习惯?

I want say something : Do you Have exercise habits ?

我有话要说: 你有做运动的习惯?

Axioma Cosmeceutical 会在星期二举办一场FB live,深入探讨不同的主题。感谢你协助我们完成这一期的FB live主题。

Axioma Cosmeceutical will be conducting a FB live on every Tuesday, discussing different topics.Allow us to express our gratitude to you in helping us to complete this upcoming FB live.


C.请在7.Oct.2021以前将录音或影片或相关链接传送至 axioma.skin@gmail.com 或 whatsapp: +60166869220

D. 请注明您的姓名、电话、地址,让我们能送出您的赠品.
E. 截止日期: 10. Oct. 2021

*前30位完成问券者,Axioma将送出 2片美白保湿面膜Spot Lightening Mask , 以email收到的时间作为顺序.

A. Please use your mobile phone to record your answers, you may choose to record it
through voice recording or video.
B. Based on the questions below, please answer each question within 30 seconds.
C. Please send back your voice recording or video to axioma.skin@gmail.com  or whatsapp: +60166869220.

D. Please inform your name, phone number and address. Then we can send free gift to you.

E. Deadline: 7. Oct. 2021.

* We will give 2 pcs spot lightening mask to the first 30 participant. According to the time we receive your mail.



*请先简单的自我介绍 (名字,年龄)
*Please slightly introduce yourself including names and ages.

1. 疫情期间,你的运动模式有没有改变?(减少/增加/挑战其他运动方式等等)为什么呢?
Are there any changes in your exercise pattern? (such as increasing, reducing workout)

2. 你平常是进行什么运动的呢?(跳舞/跑步/进行球类运动...)
What exercise do you perform?

3. 你是如何进行运动的?(参考运动电视节目/Youtube/App)
How did you carry out your exercise ? (Through )TV programs / Youtube Videos / Apps?

4. 你想通过运动达到什么目的?
What do you want to achieve through exercising?

5. -如果你有运动,是什么让你坚持运动呢?
-What motivates you to exercise?
-If you are not exercising, what will motivate you to start exercising and become

6. 有参加过线上举办的运动节目? (例如:透过zoom meeting与其他人运动,virtual run等等)
如果没有> 你会想要体验吗?为什么?
Have you joined any online exercise events? (such as through zoom meeting or virtual run)
If yes > please describe your experience and thoughts.
If not > would you like to experience online exercise events? And why?

7. 你会在社交媒体上传(打卡)个人的运动旅程/心得吗?为什么?
Would you like to upload your exercise journey onto your social media and why?

8. 请问你会想和家人还是朋友一起进行运动呢? 为什么?
Would you prefer to exercise with friends or family? Why?

9. 疫情结束后,会想要进行的户外活动?(什么活动,和谁,为什么)
After the pandemic, would you like to have outdoor activities ? (what kind of activities, with who and why)

10. 户外活动时,会搽防晒吗? 为什么?
Will you apply sunscreen before having outdoor activities? And why?

11. 你觉得挑选防晒应该依据什么条件?
How should one select their sunscreen?

12. 平常运动后会洗脸吗? 洗脸的方式与产品的性质又是什么呢?
Will you wash your face after a workout, and how do you wash your face?

13. 根据以上问题(Q12),你使用的是什么类型的清洁产品?为什么?
Based on the above question (Q12), what type of cleanser do you use ? And why?

14. 你运动后有搽保养品吗?为什么?
Will you apply skin care products after exercising, and why ?

15. 请你的保养品多是专注于什么类型?(保湿,抗痘,平衡油水,美白,抗老化等等)
What types of skin care products do you use? (Hydrating, Acne, Balancing,

16. 你有在运动后敷面膜的习惯吗?
如果有> 请问你敷的是什么功能的面膜?为什么?
如果没有> 那么是因为什么原因?
Will you apply a mask after exercising?
If yes > What types of masks do you use, and why?
If no > What is the reason for not using a mask?

17. 你平常会喜欢购买什么功能类型的面膜,和那种类型的面膜是你不会购买的?为什么呢?
What types of masks will you normally purchase and what you don’t? Why?


Thank you!