Aroma Facial Treatment
January 24, 2018
Calm your skin and soul from inside out
Main function:
- Purifying, Detoxifying 净化,消炎
- Whitening, Brightening 亮白肤色
- Balancing, Dehydrated 平衡,补水
- Calming, Improve Redness 镇定,改善红肿
- Relaxing & Peace of Mind 身心放松
This treatment improves:
- Uneven skin tone, pigmentation 色素不均勻, 斑点
- Facial flaws, Clogged pores 瑕疵, 毛孔阻塞
- Fine lines, Scars 細紋, 痘疤
- Acne 暗疮
Wish to give this quality facial treatment a try?
Drop us your contact details and current location.
We will inform you location of the nearest Axioma beautician for you to seek advice from :)